"I am increasingly convinced that the study of biodiversity is far and away the most important endeavor in the history of humanity, certainly until now, and very possibly into the future as well. . . . Unlike physics, unlike chemistry, unlike geology, the clock is ticking on our ability to capture this information before it's gone. Forever."
Aleta Karstad - Chair (artist/naturalist, administrator Bishop's Mills Natural History Centre) Amanda Bennett — Vice Chair)
Doug Scott - Treasurer (financial consultant, The Good Steward Financial Planning and Accounting Services)
Amanda Bennett (science policy, Council of Canadian Academies)
Kathryn Norman (programs & communications coordinator, Sustainable Eastern Ontario)
Frederick Schueler (independent biologist)
Greg Hutton (Librarian, Ottawa Public Library)
Keith Gomes (legal consult at Douglas D. Buchmayer Law Offices, Ottawa)
Kari Gunson (geospatial road ecologist, Eco-Kare International)
Don McAlpine (Head, Department of Natural Science, New Brunswick Museum)
Mike Nickerson (philosophical activist, Sustainability Project, Lanark EcoVillage)
Michael Oldham (botanist/herpetologist Natural Heritage Information Centre)
John Barclay (Documentary filmmaker, Community BIA Coordinator)