"These examples continue to reinforce to me the value of good inventory and the valuable contribution of many of the contributors on the NatureList."
The Eastern Ontario NatureList has been running as a listserv for sharing nature observations, for over 25 years Aleta has
been its list manager, and Fred its monitor. Its members are researchers, naturalists, and nature-lovers from all over
Eastern Ontario, with a few outliers who love to keep up with what’s going on here.
The NatureList is not a discussion forum or noticeboard, but a simple e-mail list, which sends each post to all subscribers,
who can read and comment back to the list. We share experiences and sightings, small photos, and announcements of
nature-related events. We ask questions, respond with advice, and help each other with species identifications.
Membership is only “by invitation” through contact with us at
info@fragileinheritance.ca As the NatureList is geographically
limited, it is not an overwhelmingly busy list, mostly active in little spurts as members respond to posts of interest.
The NatureList is automatically archived on the server, but we are looking for help to convert the e-mails into database records, to mine the wealth of information the NatureList has gathered through the years.