"These examples continue to reinforce to me the value of good inventory and the valuable contribution of many of the contributors on the NatureList."
Fred and Aleta have a long association with the oldest museum in Canada, The New Brunswick Museum — donating specimens,
collaborating with research in Amphibians, reptiles, and Molluscs, illustrating publications, and participating in ten
years of annual BiotaNB surveys.
These are two-week-long all-taxon surveys — extended Bio-Blitzes — working through each of New Brunswick’s “Protected
Natural Areas”, and attended by as many as 50 invited specialists in a diversity of fields including vascular plants,
mosses, fungi, moths, dragonflies, beetles, ants, molluscs, annelids, small mammals, fish, and amphibians & reptiles.
The museum’s collection treasures over 40 of Aleta’s original paintings. These have been done mostly on site during
BiotaNB surveys, in Aleta’s role as “Resident Artist.” and include commissioned portraits of NBM Research Associates
participating in BiotaNB surveys.
Aleta’s portrait of Fred with Don McAlpine, NBM Head of Zoology in the BiotaNB field lab set up in the Court House
Museum, Gagetown New Brunswick.